The straight-talking dermatologist shares inside-out skin rituals and a few easy, expert-approved tips.
Austin, Texas-based dermatologist Dr. Renée Snyder, M.D. is more than a skincare doc. She co-founded the game-changing plant-powered beauty brand W3LL People. She’s an accessible skincare advocate. And when it comes to soulcare, she’s super clear on the connection between rituals and results, both inside and out. (She’s also been working closely with Alicia to develop and test each of the clean, cruelty-free Keys Soulcare products, which we can’t wait to tell you more about soon!)
Here, Dr. Snyder chats about why her work — and our skin routines — are way more than what’s on the surface.
What’s the connection between caring for your skin and caring for your inner self?
Your skin is the first thing we see. If you feel confident about it and yourself, you feel more like you — and the world sees that. And if you don’t, that insecurity can become heavy.
When you meet someone who doesn’t feel good about their skin, does that have an energy to it?
You can totally pick up if someone likes themselves or doesn’t. It’s the way someone holds themselves. Eye contact. Shoulders back. I’ve had people who basically will have a conversation with me and won’t even look me in the face.
What’s your approach to helping others learn to care for their skin with more confidence?
If people have challenges, I want to help them get through it. I’m resourceful. Anything to make things work for them in the long-term to get that self-confidence. I’m not judgmental at all, but I am terribly blunt. I think people like that.

What are some go-to, off-the-shelf products you love?
I have to wear makeup in the morning — it just makes me feel good. I feel prettier and more together when I hide my pimples. So I put on a full face… then wipe the bottom half off when I prep to see patients and put on my work mask!
I really like CeraVe – I actually prefer it to Cetaphil because it contains ceramides, which are a main component of the skin barrier that’s compromised with dry skin. And SheaMoisture is a simple, easily accessible line.
I love the affordability and ease of e.l.f.’s Makeup Remover Cleansing Cloths! And I also love their Pore Toner Balm bar. I rub it all over my face so I don’t get “mask-ne.” It has an effervescent, fresh feeling.
What about those nights when you’re so tired you don’t have energy for a multi-step skincare routine?
Well, you have to clean your face. Did you know that skin can actually grow over dirt? It can. So clean your face!
Even if it’s not at night, maybe it’s the second you get home from work or while you’re making dinner. Just find a time that works.
If you can’t cleanse your face, use a Stridex wipe, which has salicylic acid in it, or e.l.f.’s, which do, too. And Preparation H — literally! It has witch hazel in it, which makes it the cheapest facial wipe ever. Just remember to hide it when you have company.
Okay. Now let’s talk skincare one level up from the basics.
Sunscreen is huge! Also, use a Vitamin C or antioxidant product in the morning before your sunscreen.
At night, you need to repair the damage with a prescription-form retinoid like Retin-A or an over-the-counter product containing retinol. Both are derived from Vitamin A, which is a great exfoliator — it makes old cells hurry up and turn over. It’s how you get a dewy glow.
Adding a scrub to the mix is great… occasionally. But you can’t use apricot scrub every day, people! It’s a dermatologist’s nightmare in that it can totally rip up your skin.

We can’t wait to keep sharing more cool work (and skincare gems) from Dr. Renée. Stay tuned. We’re just getting started.