We’re sharing the benefits and science behind the “it” ‘shroom of 2022.
From fragrant stir-frys to a sprinkle in your morning brew, mushrooms have long been hailed as wellness wonders for their nutrient-rich compositions and variety. Members of the fungi kingdom are in a class of their own — their unique digestion process sets these organisms apart from plants and animals while making them nutritionally profound.
But what does that have to do with your skincare routine? When it comes to beauty, the highly-revered snow mushroom — a gelatinous, broadleaf tree-hugging fungus found in subtropical and tropical regions around the world (most notably China, where it’s been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years) — is the mushroom everyone is talking about. Want to get in on the latest “it” ingredient? We’ve got the scoop on one of nature’s eldest hydrators.
What is a Snow Mushroom?
Tremella fuciformis (say that three times fast) has many names — silver ear fungus, Tremella mushroom, white jelly mushroom, and white fungus, just to name a few — but it also has a long history of praise dating back to the imperial Tang dynasty. Yang Guifei, one of China’s four great beauties, is rumored to have credited snow mushrooms for maintaining her porcelain skin, spurring on the use of them for centuries to reap the reputed health and beauty benefits. (Translation? They were found everywhere, from nutritious cuisines and topical applications.)
Read on to find out why one of beauty’s most sought-after extracts can benefit your skin and add to your rituals.
What are the Benefits of Snow Fungus?
Skin Hydration
With its jelly-like consistency and tropical roots, snow mushrooms are a moisture magnet by nature. Like its spongy appearance suggests, snow mushrooms soak up water (we’re talking over 500 times its weight in water), making them a true competitor for hyaluronic acid’s absorbency. It’s no wonder this snowy fungus has been recognized for its penetrating and long-lasting hydration for centuries.
What Keys Skincare Offering Contains Tremella Mushroom?
Ready to add this ancient wonder to your ritual? Restore balance and calm your skin with our lightweight Promise Facial Serum containing snow mushroom.
Which ‘shroomy benefit are you most looking forward to? Share your thoughts in the comments!