Xoài Pham on the in-the-moment exercise that helps her feel protected, seen, and loved.
Every conversation with lightworker Xoài Pham leaves us thinking, feeling, and breathing more deeply. Xoài’s ability to draw loving inspiration from both the physical and natural world are evident in everything she does, from her work with the Transgender Law Center to her collaboration on our launch campaign.
And so it goes for one of her go-to grounding rituals.
“When I feel anxious, I place both hands on my heart and imagine the hands of my mother, her mother, and all of my ancestors, holding me,” says Xoài.
Remembrance rituals help us see the potential for infinite possibility in the face of hard times, and also make it personal — and in making it personal, set the scene for self-nurturing, no matter our age or life stage.
In a world that can feel both precarious and paced at lightning speed, it’s beautiful counterpoints like these — that prompt us to slow down and reflect back at where and who we’ve come from — that remind us of our innate power, and the magic each one of us is capable of from this moment on.
How are you drawing strength or learning from those you came from?