Learn how to combat the winter blues and boost your mood with these soul-centered activities.
Turns out, the shift into those cooler, darker months can affect a lot more than your wardrobe and willingness to go outside; it can cause a significant shift in your mood, too.
Having the winter blues is common — those not-so-great feelings of sadness, exhaustion, lack of concentration, and restlessness that go hand-in-hand with the season. In more severe cases, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression, can develop and be a sign to seek professional guidance for additional support.
Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum of this seasonal shift, you can relax and boost your mood with some simple (yet effective!) techniques to soothe your soul and calm your mind. Read on for six ways to reconnect and re-energize all season long.
The root cause of SAD and the winter blues isn’t fully understood, but scientists believe the reduction in light (and with it, often depletion of Vitamin D stores, which can have a big impact on energy levels) is part of it. According to the Mayo Clinic, other potential factors that influence seasonal mood changes include our circadian rhythm, melatonin levels in the body, or changes in brain chemicals like serotonin.
Essentially, winter blues can start to creep up in fall as days get shorter, and persist until early signs of Spring appear. If you live in a climate with cold seasons, you may start to notice patterns of mood and behaviors during the winter that you don’t necessarily experience during the summer.
Winter blues is considered a temporary, passing feeling, but Seasonal Affective Disorder is different. With SAD, you may experience persistent low mood for weeks, along with a loss of interest in your day-to-day life.
Like with all seasons of life, sometimes we need different coping mechanisms and habits in our toolkit to handle what life throws our way. You might want to start preparing a self-care checklist in anticipation of the winter blues — include a few of your favorite things like a balancing facial mask, a warming satchel of hot cocoa, or a recurring plan that gives you things to look forward to. Here are a few more tips to help you escape the winter blues:
Shorter days and longer nights mean taking advantage of the sun while you have it — after all, the lack of vitamin D is one of the biggest reasons for lower moods and disrupted sleep. Aligning yourself with the sun can allow you to feel more in sync with the day, making you more productive, energetic, and ready for bed when the time comes.
Rise up and relish the mornings with your favorite cup of tea, and start your day with five magic minutes to get grounded. Try to get outside, even if that means a walk around the block or a trip to your favorite coffee shop for a cozy beverage. A fifteen minute walk outside can help you deal with mood changes and your mental health.
Light therapy can help with symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. A fifteen minute walk outside can help you deal with mood changes and manage your mental health. Just remember to wear sunscreen daily — yes, even in the thick of winter — and reapply your SPF at least every two hours.
Not-so-common advice? Lean in to winter’s whims. There’s a lot of resistance to the season change as the world longs for warmer weather and summery distractions. Like all things in nature, winter has a purpose and some lessons to teach us. (And, shouldn’t we let nature take its course?)
Finding space to really appreciate the quiet and restfulness of winter can bring us a greater sense of purpose. It’s a suitable time to light some of your favorite candles, pull out your journal, and cozy up without feeling the usual pressure of the hustle and bustle.

Everyone needs an ultra-hydrating skincare routine to combat the harsh effects of winter. Upgrading your rituals to feel better in spite of the drying, chilling effects of the season is not only beneficial for your glow, but also for your soul.
Pampering your body with a head-to-toe scrub or locking in hydration to keep dryness at bay can keep you feeling beautiful and nourished, inside and out. Not sure where to start? Dr. Renée offers up some helpful winter skincare tips for you here.
You might find yourself reaching for the comfy sweatpants and keeping your clothes as utilitarian as possible in the winter. But when it comes to makeup, wintertime is the best season to try new things (because you don’t have to worry about sweat or heat giving you a glow you can’t control.)
Playing with affirming makeup looks can both boost your winter mood and externalize your inner light.
You only need a few product offerings to make a big statement with your winter makeup. The season’s looks can range from iconic TikTok trends like “cold girl makeup” to the timeless bold lip. To achieve that classic bold lip, reach for our Comforting Lip Balm in a brighter shade like Inspiration (a sheer, neutral berry). To up your winter glow, theme your look around any of the three Let Me Glow auras — there’s Moonstone Aura for a pearly, cool glow; Golden Aura for a neutral gold; and Bronze Aura for a warm, sunkissed bronze.
Darker days and colder nights can keep us feeling detached from the world, making the season feel even more isolating. Combat loneliness — and strengthen your bonds in the process — by reaching out to your inner circle. Whether you’re meeting up for a sun-filled walk or planning a virtual teatime, increase your energy and share the love with a few of your faves all winter long.
Tried and true, movement can build your strength, clear your head, and spread some feel-good endorphins throughout your body. Hitting the gym for a sweaty sesh? Enjoy! Planning a dance party with your bestie? That works. Maybe a walk with the fur baby? That’s great, too.
Whatever you choose, have fun and adjust your activity to fit your interests and needs. Ready to add some movement right from your living room? Try some virtual yoga to nurture yourself, mind, body, and soul.
How do you nourish yourself — and your soul — when temps start dropping? Share what lights you up on those dark winter days in the comments.