Alicia on the lessons and consequences of leaving words unspoken.
“When you don’t speak the truth for years at a time, the words left unspoken slowly leak the air out of your connection.” — Alicia Keys, More Myself
Most of us have heard that pressure builds diamonds, but pressure can also cause things to burst. Whether it’s a clogged water pipe or an unhealed throat chakra, having blocks where things are meant to flow never leads to great results.
Alicia’s reflections on a relationship with a former partner — and falling into childhood patterns of keeping quiet to “keep the peace” despite her internal turmoil — is a dynamic that many of us can relate to. The result? Prolonging the inevitable end of a romance that was running its course… but an even more detrimental break-up with her own inner voice. Blocking our truth doesn’t just keep us from authentically connecting to others: it causes us to lose touch with who we truly are. By downplaying our feelings, we create spaces where we do not feel safe enough to trust our own sense of what we need and deserve.
The truest sense of peace we’ll find is the one within ourselves. And the only way we’ll keep it is to show up and speak up authentically, then let the connections flourish from there.
What have you gained from showing up more authentically? Share in the comments!